EEEmerging’s new WEBSITE!

4 years ago, inspired by Muchachada Nui’s sketch “The Baroque Painting”, we had the crazy idea of starting a group named BarrocoTout (in Spanish Barroco Tú = Baroque yourself). Finally, in 2013 this idea came true in the heart of Europe, Brussels. After one year of rehearsals we had the best news ever for the group. We were selected for the program EEEmerging from Ccr Ambronay.
We want to thank EEEmerging for these last two years, for their support and faith, for the opportunities for learning and improving, and for their encouragement.
Now, they just released their new brand WEBSITE!!! You will find all the info about the program and all the groups who were and are part of it.
DO NOT MISS IT! Barroco tú!